Serving the High Plains
On this date ...
1975: The cost of living index rose 0.7% in December, reported the U.S. Labor Department, with an annual rate of inflation of 12.2% in 1974 — the highest level since the end of World War II.
President Gerald Ford also said he would veto a gas-rationing bill and reject authority to impose wage-price controls, according to United Press International reports.
He said he was “horrified” over driving the government another $75 billion into the red.
— The City of Tucumcari was approved for a federal grant of $13,249.60 to improve its parks. It will be used to build two new tennis courts, underground sprinklers at Dunn and East Side parks, drainage equipment at Wailes Park, playground equipment at Dunn and tennis court renovations at Damon Kvols Park.
— New directors for the Tucumcari/Quay County Chamber of Commerce were Bettie Ditto, Alan Morris, Neil Craig, Grant Morper and Craig Currell.
— The Tucumcari Safeway market was selling a one-pound package of ground beef for 89 cents, a two-pound package of smoked bacon for $1.25 and a 10-pound bag of potatoes for 79 cents.
— The Odeon Theatre was showing “The Trial of Billy Jack,” starring Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor, a sequel to the popular “Billy Jack” film.