Serving the High Plains

TPS District 1 member resigns

Tucumcari Public Schools board member Matthew Pacheco recently resigned because he bought a house and moved out of his district.

Pacheco, a District 1 representative, informed the board of his resignation during its Aug. 12 meeting.

Pacheco did not sit in his usual spot on the podium. He instead sat in in the gallery and announced his resignation at a lectern early in the meeting.

He said he purchased a home off Highway 209 south of Tucumcari in District 5, represented by J.D. Knapp.

Pacheco said when he first knew he might be moving out of his district, he contacted board President Heather Gonzales and superintendent Carl Marano.

"I then notified them when I purchased the home and I told them when I finish moving in, I will announce it to everybody," Pacheco read from a written statement.

"To all those who called the central office about the situation, I was transparent with our president and our administration, and I was not going to hide this from the public."

Pacheco later said he moved into his new residence between the board's July board meeting and its August meeting. State law states an office becomes vacant when the representative moves from the area he or she was elected or appointed to represent.

Pacheco recommended his replacement be a parent or grandparent.

"It's easy to make decisions that will affect our children, but it hits different when it affects your child or grandchild," he said. "I encourage you to be on the board for the right reasons to be an advocate for our children, not push your political or personal interests.

"Do not get on to fix the wrongs of family members. Be an independent thinker; do not go along to go along. Please have some common sense. Please try not to manipulate the process so your personal interests have an advantage. Please don't get on here to complain that your child or grandchild's sports equipment is not fitting. When being on the board, you are a board member first, a parent or grandparent second."

In an interview Wednesday, Pacheco declined to say whether he had any current board members in mind with his stated recommendations.

"If anybody who feels that their actions have fallen into what I have said, maybe they need to change their ways," he said.

Pacheco encouraged fellow board members and his successor to attend as many school events as possible and trust and help Marano without "hindering or micromanaging" him.

He also said board members should meet their education requirements. Board member Jerry Lopez, absent from the meeting, and Robert Lucero each failed to complete mandatory training during the 2022-2023 school year.

Pacheco said he try to serve on the board again if circumstances allow. Marano expressed hope he would be on the board again.

All board members present thanked Pacheco for his service.

"We appreciate all you've done for us," Gonzales said.

Pacheco, a dentist who opened a practice in Tucumcari several years ago, was unopposed in his first election to the school board in 2019 and was re-elected in 2023.

District 1 sits in the northern part of the district.

Marano said the district would accept letters of interest for the District 1 position for three weeks. They can be mailed or dropped off at the unit office at 700 W. Amarosa Ave. in Tucumcari.

In other business:

- The board approved a lease-purchase arrangement and certificate purchase agreement involving $735,000 in education technology bonds.

The bonds would be issued for one day in mid-September and paid back the next day with a total interest of $111.83.

Marano later said he planned to use some of the money for software for instructional intervention and security, plus the purchase of Yondr pouches for student cellphones that come with locking mechanisms. The pouches would be suitable under the district's new student cellphone ban.

- Marano said a frequently-asked-questions sheet regarding the district's new ban on student cellphones on campus had been distributed to staff and parents and would be added to the district's website.

He said the district would clarify what is "authorized" use of cellphones, including for instructional purposes.

Knapp said during board member comments he had expected more backlash from the new policy, but parents were largely supportive.

"People say it's become a big distraction and a tool for bullying," he said.

- High school principal Nicole Bright-Lesly, middle school principal Lendall Borden and new elementary school principal and special education director Deanne McKinney each gave their reports.

Borden reported projected enrollment of 198 at his school, and Bright-Lesly reported 241 at hers, with 18 new students.

McKinney didn't have final enrollment numbers at TES, though Marano said projections were about 430.

He said overall enrollment at the district was up.

Marano praised the three principals - "We're fortunate to have three really good leaders" - and noted they and many staff members were doing work at their schools off-contract.

- Athletic director Wayne Ferguson said resurfacing of the Rattler Stadium track was progressing. When finished, it will be purple with yellow accents - the school's colors. Procurement officer Veronica Hernandez said it should be finished by the high school's first home football game later this month.

Ferguson said the Bank of Logan also may cover the cost of new scoreboards.

The board gave a leadership award plaque to Ferguson for his recent induction into the NMAA Hall of Fame. Marano praised Ferguson for "doing it the right way" in sports programs by not breaking rules or ethics.

- Hernandez said reroofing the elementary school should be finished by Aug. 22 and the middle school by the end of the month. Roof replacement for the high school will begin on Aug. 26.

Hernandez said 30 of 37 malfunctioning air-conditioning units at the high school had been repaired.

She said pea gravel no longer is allowed in playgrounds at the elementary school. She said wood or rubber chips might be used as a replacement, but it would cost $100,000 to $250,000.

- The board authorized signatories for district bank accounts: Gonzales, Lopez, Marano, assistant superintendent Dave Johnson, business manager Monica Martinez and business office staffer Eva Lane-Ryen.

- In a routine matter, the board approved changes to student handbooks for the new school year.

- The board approved these donations: $50 from Kix on 66 to Tucumcari High School cheerleading; $2,000 from Landing Gear Energy to THS Diamondback STEM; $100 from Quality Lube & Tire to THS volleyball; $100 from 4J's Towing to THS volleyball; $100 from Kandel's Street Sips to THS volleyball; $100 from C&C Septic Tank to THS volleyball; $50 from Nails For You to THS volleyball; $50 from the Borden Family to THS volleyball, $100 form Wild at Heart Floral to THS volleyball; $150 from First Title Services to THS volleyball; $100 from Blanco Creek Boutique to THS volleyball; $500 from Citizens Bank to THS volleyball; $250 from Pacheco Family Dentistry to THS volleyball; $200 form Eastern New Mexico University to THS FCCLA; $224 from Blackbaud Giving Fund to THS volleyball; and $100 from Charlene Montgomery to THS volleyball.