Serving the High Plains

Pages past - July 31

On this date ...

1974: The U.S. House Judiciary Committee called for the impeachment, trial and removal from office of President Richard Nixon for alleged high crimes and misdemeanors against the government.

The committee recommended against impeachment on two other grounds — secretly bombing Cambodia and underpaying his taxes by more than $432,000.

Nixon, through an order by the U.S. Supreme Court, also surrendered the first 20 of the 64 audiotapes.

John Ehrlichman, Nixon’s top domestic affairs adviser, was sentenced to prison from 20 months up to five years for conspiracy in the Ellsberg break-in. The judge also sentenced G. Gordon Liddy to one to three years in prison but gave the other Watergate break-in participants suspended sentences.

Nixon would resign from office on Aug. 8.

— New Mexico 4-H Horse Show Queen Owida Crites of Clayton honored winners of the Quay County 4-H Rodeo: Clinton Crites of Clayton, all-around senior boy; Dee Groff of Fort Sumner, all-around junior boy; La Dawn Primrose of Tucumcari, all-around senior girl; and Anna Crespin of Las Vegas, all-around junior girl.

— Atlantic Records star Henson Cargill was scheduled to play a show at the Tucumcari Recreation Center. He was best known for his No. 1 country single, “Skip a Rope.”

— The Safeway market in Tucumcari was offering a 10-pound bag of white potatoes for 99 cents, lettuce at 29 cents a head, three pears for $1 and California nectarines for 39 cents a pound.

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