Serving the High Plains

911 board urges split with county on IT costs

The Tucumcari/Quay Regional Emergency Communications board recommended an even split with the county over the cost of a proposed information technology services contract.

The measure was scheduled to go to the Quay County Commission for final approval.

Park Place Technologies of Cleveland, Ohio, proposed providing IT services for $55,000 a year, plus a onetime $4,000 setup fee, for both entities.

County manager Daniel Zamora, who attended the July 15 meeting by videoconference, recommended a 50/50 cost split between the county and dispatch.

“I have a feeling we’ll see a night-and-day difference in expertise,” he said.

Dispatch had budgeted $15,000 for annual IT services. But Zamora said it ended its fiscal year $140,000 under budget.

“The bottom line is fine,” he said.

Plateau Telecommunications is phasing out its IT services. Zamora said the county paid a total of $80,000 to Plateau for its IT services, internet and phone service.

Zamora said the county actually is paying more. Once the county goes over its monthly allotment of customer-service hours, Plateau charges $125 an hour.

“They’re nickel and diming us,” he said.

In other business:

— The board presented a plaque of appreciation to retiring Quay County Undersheriff Russell Shafer, who also was the board’s chairman.

Dispatch director Jamie Luaders said Shafer was involved in some of the biggest decisions for the region’s 911 service, including its eventual move to a new location.

“You’re very welcome, Jamie,” Shafer responded. “You’re very kind.”

Shafer then exchanged ugs and handshakes from board members.

“We miss you already,” Sheriff Dennis Garcia said.

— With Shafer’s departure, the board elected Rodney Paris as chairman and Lucas Bugg as vice-chair. Paris had stepped down from the chair position in January.

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