Serving the High Plains

Quay County 4-Hers compete at district

Quay County 4-H members traveled to Lea County to compete in the annual Southeast District Contest on June 17-19.

Rebecca Madrid won a district title in the novice fashion review competition with her gathered skirt.

Eight novice and junior members from Quay County spent the first two days competing in judging contests such as agronomy, horticulture, entomology, wildlife, horse and livestock judging and fashion review.

On the third day, members competed in shooting sports disciplines such as air rifle, smallbore .22 rifle, and compound and recurve archery.

The contests are developed to help 4-H members develop life skills such as decision making and public speaking.

Quay County 4-H Contest Results


Fifth-place Novice Team – Addie Brazel, Kolt Wood and Emery Bagget


Fifth-place Novice Team – Kylee Black, Rebecca Madrid and Emery Bagget

Fourth-place Junior Team – Kam Glover (third high individual), Addie Bazel and Avery Brazel

FCS Skill-a-Thon

Third-place Novice Team – Addie Brazel (third high individual), Rebecca Madrid and Kolt Wood

Fashion Review

First-place Novice, Rebecca Madrid, gathered skirt

Horse Judging

Novice fourth high individual – Kylee Black

Shooting Sports

Junior Recurve Barebow – fifth high individual Kam Glover

Other members competing in shooting sports competitions were

Grace Grant – Junior Archery Compound with Sights

Kylee Black – Novice Archer Compound with Sight

Avery Brazel – Junior Rifle

Kolt Wood – Novice Rifle

Alexis Hudspeth – Novice Air Rifle

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