Serving the High Plains

We have choice to be part of love in world

Sometimes the weight of the world is overwhelming. We see so many ugly things going on around us, whether on television, print, social media or just the messy things people say or do.

The good in the world is often drowned out by the noise of bad behavior.

It can be soul-crushing, especially as we try to continue on our path while dodging the arrows slung our way. When I find myself in that space, I always think of my dad.

He had a no-nonsense way of being in the world. When I’d talk about nonsensical things that people would do, he’d always say the same thing: Let them; they’re behind you for a reason.

Smart man. I’m fortunate that I’ve had an entire lifetime of dadisms that helped me through the good, bad and everything in between. What an incredible gift. When I struggle with anything, I have a lifetime of memories to fall back on, and to pull out the wisdom needed to get through to the other side.

I happened across a gem of a statement on a clergy site I frequent: “Here’s to all the unseen acts of love that will make the world go round today.”

Profound. I think of my dad in this. Let go of the things that won’t help us, so that we can grasp onto the things that will, and in turn we can serve others.

It’s easier to focus on the messiness because it’s loud and sharp. The unseen acts of love are quiet and gentle, soothing a troubled soul, wrapping love around a tired spirit. Those moments remind us that we’re all connected, that our humanity is woven into the stories and lives of others.

We see those things all around us. Simple things. Watching someone at a grocery store pull something down from a shelf that another shopper can’t quite reach. A customer secretly paying for a meal for the person behind them in line. Holding the door for someone. Sharing kind words to someone having a bad day.

We have a choice, each day, how we want to be in this world. May we all be part of the unseen acts of love that will make the world go round today.

Patti Dobson writes about faith for The Eastern New Mexico News and Quay County Sun. Contact her at:

[email protected]

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