Serving the High Plains
A total of six Quay County youths placed in the top three in indoor exhibits during the recent New Mexico State Fair in Albuquerque.
The following is a list of the local exhibitors, their ranking, fair event and division:
• Kale Griffiths, second, landscape gardening exhibit; second, recipe box with recipes; third, plate of three New Mexico wedding cookies; second, unit action photo; first, unit photo set at night; second, and unit five photos of the same subject taken from different angles (novice division)
• Gavin Wallace, first, measuring up napkin or letter holder; and second, unit exhibit board (novice division)
• Carter Smith, third, New Mexico H horse exhibit; and first, archery exhibit showing terms, history, parts, equipment or techniques (junior division)
• MiKayla Klinger, first, unit exhibit board (senior division)
• Michael Oglesby, first, exhibit using rope to demonstrate tying common knots used in fishing; (senior division)
• Ashton Smith, second, New Mexico H horse exhibit; second, poultry production exhibit; first, animal health and our world exhibit; first, unit cross stitch article using prestamped design; and first, three piece coordinates skirt, short pants, vest, jacket or dress (senior division).