Serving the High Plains

Mask mandate lifted in secondary schools for those vaccinated

New Mexico secondary-school students, along with their teachers, staff and volunteers, will not be required to wear masks at school this fall if they show they’re fully vaccinated, according to new guidance issued Monday by the New Mexico Public Education Department.

Masks, however, will continue to be required in elementary schools for everyone regardless of vaccination status. Masks also will not be required outdoors for any individual.

The decision to ease the universal mask mandate at secondary schools was made in collaboration with the Department of Health and the governor’s medical advisory team based on evidence of the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines and the latest guidance from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to a news release from PED.

“In-person learning for New Mexico children is my top priority,” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said. “And with safety guidelines and unobtrusive health requirements in place, it can happen safely – and for the well-being and growth of our children, it must happen.

“Until vaccinations are available to children of every age, it will be incumbent on each of us, in school environments, to do everything we can to minimize risk – and that includes face coverings,” she added. “Various studies and federal data have shown school environments are and can be safe – and a return to comprehensive classroom activities is essential for the well-being and growth of New Mexico children.”

While the state mask mandate is eased in the PED’sCOVID-19 Response Toolkit, schools may choose to have more restrictive mask requirements.

Nothing in the updated guidelines requires anyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine or to reveal vaccination status. Those who don’t must continue wearing masks at school and at school-sponsored events to prevent infection and the spread of COVID-19.

Masks will be required for unvaccinated individuals on school transportation. Unvaccinated students and elementary students must maintain 3 feet of social distance to the extent possible from other students and 6 feet from adults, and must keep masks on except:

– For eating and drinking during allowed times;

– During designated rest periods for very young students;

– While outdoors.

Masks are not required outdoors, and the PED encourages all schools to maximize their use of outdoor learning and encourages districts to use federal funds to support the implementation of outdoor learning.

The updates to the toolkit, the first since April 20, take effect immediately and govern school re-entry this fall. Included for the first time are protocols for schools to verify vaccination status, to allow staff to quickly identify vaccinated individuals and to enforce mask requirements for students who remove or refuse to wear them.

Those who wish to go maskless at school must provide an original or copy of a vaccination card or a printout or screenshot from NMVaxView indicating a completed course of COVID-19 vaccination at least 14 days before. Replacement vaccination cards are available at regional public health offices. Family health providers can provide a printout from NMVaxView.

Schools will develop a system to allow staff members to quickly verify those who may go maskless and those who must wear a mask. Schools also may require universal mask wearing while in a school building, at an indoor school-sponsored event and on school transportation.

Schools will provide masks to unvaccinated students. Students who remove face masks or refuse to wear them will be sent home. While waiting for pickup, such students will be supervised and quarantined from other students.

Schools will individually determine student discipline for mask violations, but the toolkit says such discipline will be supportive and instructional and will not include suspension or expulsion. Schools must provide notice to families about updated discipline policies.

The guidelines also ease some of the reporting requirements for schools. For example, schools no longer are required to report COVID cases over weekends and holidays.

Other changes:

– The definition of a close contact is reduced from 6 to 3 feet if both students were masked and other prevention strategies were in place; it’s still 6 feet between adults and students and between adults.

– Vaccinated students, teachers and staff no longer are required to practice social distancing while eating. Unvaccinated students should sit on only one side of a table and maintain the prescribed social distance.

– Cohorting of students is encouraged but no longer required.

– School-related events – such as assemblies, dances, award ceremonies -- are permitted with masking and social distancing requirements for unvaccinated individuals.

– Schools must maintain a voluntary student surveillance testing program with a new weekly goal of testing 25% of unvaccinated students participating in sports and other extra-curricular activities. The previous goal was 1% of the overall student population and 10% of students participating in sports and other extracurricular activities.

– All schools must test 25% of unvaccinated staff members each week; previously, only schools in red counties were tested at that level.

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