Serving the High Plains

Letter to the editor - Sept. 30

People of color suffer more than lost TV

America does not have to be full of racists to have a situation of long-standing racial injustice.

All that is needed is a political contingent that maintains power by pursuing this agenda.

Michael Reagan, in his Sept. 9 column, spends a lot of space listing outstanding examples of achievements by people of different racial backgrounds. However they are exceptions to the rule.

Reagan is very upset that the Black Lives Matter movement has received so much coverage on TV.

An excellent source that reveals the way Blacks have had rights denied since the end of the Civil War is the book “Slavery By Another Name.”

The way to correct the abysmal way people of color have been treated is to honestly and publicly address it and correct the wrongs. They only want to be treated as American citizens.

Reagan is upset because it has interfered with his TV for a short time. The people of color have been suffering in many ways for centuries.

Leon Logan
