Serving the High Plains

Letters to the editor - Sept. 2

Virus controls matter of science

Michael Reagan and a lot of other Republicans seem to believe if you deny scientific facts that will make the outcome conform to their way of thinking.

From the start, President Trump has ignored his scientific advisors, refusing to take the coronavirus seriously, then, pushing for returning to business as usual, paying no attention to scientific advice about taking some steps to control the coronavirus prior to opening business.

Reagan, in his column published Aug. 19, said that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris blamed President Trump for the virus. They blamed President Trump for his totally incompetent handling of the situation, as did the majority of the rest of the population, with the exception of some Republican politicians.

Reagan complains about the authoritarian governors shutting down schools and businesses because of COVID-19. He seems to approve of the Head Authoritarian Trump.

Not wearing a mask can harm an innocent person — we have laws against that.

Masks infringe on your freedom? How much freedom do you have in a pine box?

The crucial thing to be addressed in the pandemic is getting controls on the virus; everything hinges on that. The New York Times Editorial Board reported last week that we could control the coronavirus by October. The tools we need are the ones we always hear about wearing masks, social distancing and avoiding crowds. We HAVE to use them in all areas all the time.

We have the scientific knowledge to defeat this but the “common sense” is open for debate.

Leon Logan


GOP should start thinking

While I whole-heartedly agree with local columnist Steve Hansen’s assertion that the Republican party needs to rethink its current strategy, I’m beginning to wonder if we should stop using “Republican” and “think” in the same sentence.

Actions that were once taken for granted, such as presidential candidates revealing their tax information or not using the White House as a political ploy or hey, how about telling the truth and following the science, are now considered dangerously liberal and anti-American (shades of Joe McCarthy?).

Until the party of Abraham Lincoln, John McCain and even the ultra-conservative Lindsey Graham regains its moral compass and stops pandering to the tyrannical tweets of a “wanna be” dictator, maybe we’d better consider a “thinking Republican” an oxymoron.

There are still about 50 countries that are governed by dictators although they may use another title like president, king or prime minister. Last time I checked, America was not one of them. Perhaps President Trump should consider immigrating to one because we all know how highly he regards immigrants.

Victoria Stuchel


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