Serving the High Plains

New COVID-19 case reported in San Jon

The New Mexico Department of Health on Friday confirmed a new case of corornavirus in the San Jon ZIP code.

The latest case was a man age 50 to 59, according to the agency's website.

That brought the total in Quay County to 64 cases since the pandemic began, with two deaths.

The overall totals by ZIP code in the county are 32 in Tucumcari, 29 in Logan and five in San Jon. That total adds up to 66; the DOH did not have an explanation for the discrepancy.

Forty-three residents have been deemed as recovered from the virus. A total of 1,663 tests for COVID-19 have been performed since the pandemic began.

Statewide, a total of 96 cases were reported Friday. Nearly 26,000 people have been confirmed with the virus.

Three deaths were reported in the state Friday, bringing the total to 794.

A total of 69 people in New Mexico are hospitalized with COVID-19. A total of 13,412 New Mexicans have been deemed to have recovered from the disease.

East of Quay County, more than 570 active cases of COVID-19 were reported in Amarillo by the city's Public Health Department through Friday.

In the U.S., nearly 6.2 million people have been confirmed with the virus, with more than 187,000 deaths through Friday afternoon.

Rendered 12/22/2024 11:20