Serving the High Plains

Calendar - Dec. 18

• Friday — Christmas Cantata. The Center Street United Methodist Church will host this annual performance by the Quay County Community Choir from 7 to 8 p.m. 406 E. Center St., Tucumcari.

• Sunday — Ute Lake Winter Light Festival. Head to the group shelter for hayrides, Christmas carols, hot cocoa, apple cider and homemade cookies from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Businesses and individuals are invited to light up the park and camping spots. Call Mickie if you are interested at (575) 309-4788. Ute Lake State Park, Logan.

• Jan. 18 — Viva Las Tucumcari. The Tucumcari/Quay County Chamber of Commerce banquet from 6 to 9 p.m. offers plenty of fun and plenty to win between games, a prize raffle and a silent auction. The event also will introduce the first-ever Taste of Tucumcari. Check back for more information as the event approaches. Tickets will be $35 per person and $250 for a table of eight. Contact the chamber at (575) 461-1694 for information about sponsor opportunities. Tucumcari Convention Center.

To submit items for the calendar, call 575-461-1952, or email: [email protected]