Serving the High Plains

Athletes to show skills at 4-H rodeo

About 75 young athletes will show their cowboy and cowgirl skills Friday and Saturday during the annual Quay County 4-H Rodeo at the Quay County Fairgrounds arena.

Rodeo performances begin at 5 p.m. nightly with the singing of the national anthem by local vocalists, plus a color guard.

Rodeo events include barrel racing, pole bending, breakaway roping, team roping, steer riding and bull riding.

Saddles will be given to all-around winners in the senior, junior and novice divisions, plus belt buckles for the winners of each event. Several organizations and individuals donated the saddles and buckles.

The Quay County Cooperative Extension Service stated about 25 volunteers who do not have children in 4-H work with the rodeo to help it run smoothly, along with 4-H members and their parents. The planning committee already is working on the rodeo’s 2020 edition.

Admission to the rodeo is $4 for adults and $2 for children.