Serving the High Plains

Quay County 4-H compete at state

Fourteen Quay County 4-H members traveled to Las Cruces to compete at the New Mexico State 4-H Conference from July 8 to July 11. They participated in 10 contests, with all receiving ribbons.

Here are Quay County's 4-H competitors:

The agronomy team finished third. Team members were Kaleb Hayes, Payton Oliver, Eli Oliver and Dyson Clark.

The Horse Bowl team finished seventh. Members were Rilee Nials, Jenna Lopez, Emmalee Elebario and Nick Black.

The horse judging team finished fifth. Members were Nials, Lopez, Black and Bailey Montoya.

The horticulture team finished fourth. Members were Nials, Lopez, Elebario and Natalie Hayes.

The meats team finished second, with Kyle Hamilton as the high-point individual and a $500 scholarship. Micah Lightfoot was fifth high individual. Team members were Hamilton, Lightfoot, Black and Jonathon Clark.

The Livestock Skill-a-thon team finished fifth. They were Hamilton, Dyson Clark, Garrett Bollinger and Jonathan Clark.

Lightfoot finished second in the Prepared Public Speaking contest.

The range management team finished second, with Nials placing third high individual. Team members were Nials, Elebario, Kaleb Hayes and Eli Oliver.

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