Serving the High Plains

New challenge added to Quay County on the Move

Quay County on the Move has added a twist to this spring’s walking challenges. A new challenge is being introduced for the couch potato or technically challenged.

Move Your Way encourages participants to track minutes they walk or do other types of moderately vigorous activities.

Moderately vigorous activities are those that make a participant’s heart beat harder but still can talk while doing them. These exercises should be done a minimum of 10 minutes at a time for healthy benefits.

Adults are encouraged to log 150 minutes a week or more. During the six-week challenge, Move Your Way participants will track their aerobic, balance and strength-training activities.

This challenge is focused on the area’s senior population. Those interested can enroll at Tucumcari, Logan or San Jon senior citizens centers, Conchas Extension Club, Altrusa and in the Strong Seniors Class.

A group that wishes to enroll should call the Extension Office at (575) 461-0562 to provide participant packets.

Participants will need to register before the challenge begins April 14. The challenge ends May 25, and prizes will be delivered to the group or senior center the first week of June.

The Move Your Way Challenge if funded by Presbyterian Health Care Services and sponsored by the Quay County Extension Service and Quay County Health Council.

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