Serving the High Plains

Pages past - Dec. 5

On this date ...

1968: The state tax commission approved a 10 percent decrease in the appraised market values of county land and improvements, saving county property owners about $2 million under the new statewide uniform assessment rate of 33 1/3 percent. The decision goes into effect for 1969 taxes and will not come off this year’s taxes that still are being figured at the 25 percent rate. The 25 percent rate went into effect after a recent reappraisal, but the tax commission, under order from the New Mexico Supreme Court, to establish a uniform rate, boosted it to 33 1/3 percent statewide on Nov. 9.

• Tucumcari Mayor Kenneth Schlientz said today the city will begin enforcing two-hour parking in downtown during the Christmas season, and he requested businesses to ask employees not to park on Main Street but instead using parking lots.

• Whites store in Tucumcari advertised a new set of 700x13 tires for $52.