Serving the High Plains

Pages Past - Sept. 26

Sept. 26, 1968

• The local Elks Club will sponsor a luau Friday for all Elks and their out-of-town guests. The meal will include roast pig, ham or butterfly shrimp with all the trimmings. A dance featuring the Al Rogers Islanders of Amarillo will provide the music. Tickets are $3 a person, which includes the meal, dance, leis and hats.

• A large number of residents went through Tucumcari stores in search of their Treasure Hunt number, with three people finding their $10 Treasure certificates. Winners were Mrs. James C. Adams, who found her number at Denmor's Corral; Consie Madrid, who won at Sands Dorsey Drug, and Mrs. Pablo Lopez, whose lucky number was at Gibson's Discount Store. The hunt consisted of a number stamped into a blocked space of an edition of the Tucumcari Daily News that residents tried to match at participating stores.