Serving the High Plains
Is the state or county responsible for repairs on a damaged cattle guard near a U.S. highway? That was the subject of discussion during the Quay County board of commissioners meeting Monday.
District 1 commissioner Sue Dowell brought up the issue after a resident told her about a recently damaged cattle guard on County Road AF on state right-of-way near U.S. 54. She described the inability for an entity to take responsibility for the repairs as “a standoff.”
County manager Richard Primrose said the county maintains all cattle guards it installs. However, he and County Road superintendent Larry Moore said the state installed the cattle guard at County Road AF near U.S. 54 as a courtesy.
“If the county takes responsibility of a cattle guard on state right-of-way, it will be a big expense for us,” Primrose said.
Moore said he scheduled a meeting four times with state road officials about the issue, but the meeting was canceled each time.
County officials may contact a state legislator in an effort to end the impasse.
Primrose said the damaged cattle guard is passable for now, but he fears it eventually may damage vehicles.
In other business:
• Moore said much of the repairs to County Road AI, which links U.S. 54 to Interstate 40 as Airport Road, were finished last week. He said the county soon will close the road for one day for sealing, then will stripe it after another two weeks.
• Commissioners approved two notices of interest from Daniel Zamora, emergency management coordinator. It will apply for grants to cover 75 percent of the cost of power generators at each of the county’s 15 fire stations. It also will submit a grant to help clear salt cedar trees from Pajarito Creek northwest of Tucumcari because they’re causing drainage problems.
• Primrose said an anticipated approval of a fairgrounds rental agreement with Tucumcari Rawhide Days for its 2019 festival was delayed because organizers lacked enough data regarding insurance coverage.
• Commissioners approved $1,630.86 in claims from the county’s Indigent Claims Board. The money covers medical bills for the poor.