Serving the High Plains

New things to do at county fair

Free ice cream sundaes Saturday among offerings.

There may be a bit more sheen at the Quay County Fair, which starts today and runs through Saturday, with the addition of competition in artistic metal-smithing categories in arts and crafts.

Another new event will be an offering of free ice cream sundaes at 10 a.m. Saturday at south end of the Fair Barn.

A flyer promoting the new competition said metal-crafted items including, among others, belt buckles, bridle bits, bracelets, rings, spurs, earrings and knives.

The fair will generally follow its usual schedule of events, shows, and attractions, including the Sun Valley Rides carnival.

Here is the schedule of events:


3 p.m.: Sheep and Goat Showmanship Clinic (Show Arena)

4 p.m.: Livestock Exhibitor's Meeting (Show Arena)

4:30 p.m.: Swine Exhibitor Meeting (Show Arena)


5:15 p.m.-6 p.m.: Shepherd's Lead Contest (Show Arena)

30 minutes after Shepherds Lead: Swine Show


8 a.m.: Bibles and Burritos

2 p.m.: Steer and Heifer Showmanship Clinic (Show Arena)

5 p.m.: Carnival Opens

5 p.m.: Goat Show (Show Arena)

30 minutes after Goat Show: Booster Market Lamb Show (show arena)

30 minutes after: Lamb Show/ Catch-It Heifer Scramble (Rodeo Arena)


8 a.m.: Bibles and Burritos

10 a.m.: Rabbit Show

1 p.m.: Poultry Show

2 p.m.: Dog Show (Show Arena)

2 to 3:30 p.m.: Watermelon Feed

5 p.m.: Carnival Opens

4:30 p.m.: Catch-It-Heifer Show (Show Arena)

followed by Commercial Heifer Show

30 minutes after Heifer Show: Junior Steer Show (Show Arena)

30 minutes after Steer Show: Exhibitors' Livestock Sale Meeting


7 a.m.: Horse Show (Rodeo Arena)

8 a.m.: Bibles and Burritos

9 a.m.: Livestock Judging Contest (South End)

11 a.m.: Itty Bitty Rodeo (Show Arena)

Noon: Pet Parade (Show Arena)

1 p.m.: Farm Bureau Horse Shoe Pitching Contest (pits)

1:30 p.m.: 4-H Council Sponsored Scavenger Hunt (show arena)

2:30 p.m.: Sale exhibitors report to thank you note and picture table

4 p.m.: Buyer's Barbecue (Convention Center)

6 p.m.: Junior Livestock Sale (Show Arena)

9 p.m.: Remove Exhibits and Award Premiums