Serving the High Plains

Menus - Aug. 15

The following are menus from area senior centers and schools:

Logan Senior Center

Milk, coffee and tea served daily

Wednesday: BBQ sandwich, baked onion rings, mixed vegetables, cantaloupe.

Thursday: Cornflake chicken, scalloped potatoes, brussel sprouts, cornbread and tropical fruit

Friday: Chalupa, onions, green chile and salsa, Spanish rice, squad, devil’s food cake.

Monday: Grilled cheese sandwich, vegetable beef soup, crackers, carrot cake

Tuesday: Pork loin, black-eyed peas, cabbage, cornbread, apple cobbler.

Logan Schools

Monday: Breakfast, Uncrustables, cereal, milk and juice; Lunch, sloppy joes, pork n’ beans, potato salad, cold vegetables, fruit and milk.

Tuesday: Breakfast, breakfast pizza, cereal, milk and juice; Lunch, Hot Pockets, chips, salad, fruit and milk.

Wednesday: Breakfast, Max Sticks, cereal, milk and juice; Lunch, pizza, breadsticks and sauce, salad, cold vegetables, fruit and milk.

San Jon Schools

Wednesday: No school

Thursday: No school

Monday: Breakfast, cereal and toast, fruit and milk; Lunch, hot dogs, black-eyed peas, carrots, cauliflower, fruit and milk.

Tuesday: Breakfast, pancake sausage on a stick, fruit and milk; Lunch, beef taco, pinto beans, lettuce and tomatoes, crackers, fruit and milk.

Wednesday: Breakfast, scrambled eggs and toast, fruit and milk; Lunch, steak fingers, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and gravy, roll, fruit and milk.

Editor’s note: Tucumcari Public Schools begins instruction on Monday, and would not have its menu finalized until Thursday.

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