Serving the High Plains

Pages past - July 4

July 1933

• Clovis Sunshiners, with the help of pitcher Big Jelly Allen, defeated the Tucumcari Utes 3-1.

• July 4 specials from H. Goodman Co. included two pounds of minced ham for 25 cents and 25 pounds of sugar for $1.31.

• The city donated $75 to pay for Bob Sandusky and his 22-piece Shamrock Band to perform at the American Legion's state convention hosted in Tucumcari.

• Women of thecounty prepared to circulate a petition because the Quay County Commission did not budget for a county home extension agent or county nurse.

• Herman Moncus won the businessman's roping contest at Breen's Rodeo attended more than 550 people.