Serving the High Plains

Pages past - June 27

June 1967

• Tucumcari has recently raised its population to five more persons when Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoffman and three children came to make their home here last April. Hoffman, who has always been in the automobile business, is the new owner of La Mesa Motors.

• Royce C McCauley of Tucumcari, has been appointed by Drew Cloud, State Director of the Farmers Home Administration, as a member of the three-man Quay County FHA Committee. The agencie’s County Supervisor, Royce W. Jones, announced this week.

• Mrs. Phillip Bidegain of Montoya will break a bottle of New Mexico water over the hull of the U. S. Navy’s new hydrofoil gunboat, the USS Tucumcari, when it is christened in Seattle, Washington this saturday.