Serving the High Plains

Meetings watch - March 7

Tucumcari City Commission

In a special meeting Thursday, the Tucumcari City Commission:

• Appointed Larry Brown, one of two alternate municipal judges, to serve in place Tucumcari Municipal Judge Joe Dominguez while Dominguez is under suspension due his arrest Feb. 4 on driving while under the influence charges.

• Allowed City Manaager Jared Langenegger on a 4-to-1 vote to leave the post on March 15. He was expected to stay on until April 11 after announcing his resignation Jan. 11. The commission considered Langenegger’s request in executive session and voted to allow Langenegger’s early departure in public session after the private meeting. Mayor Ruth Ann Litchfield cast the single “no” vote.

• Approved an amendment to a federal Community Development Block Grant project on Hancock Street from Rock Island Street to Choctaw street to encompass the replacement of water lines and service connections, along with replacementof damaged curbs and gutters. The grant is for $500,000, with the city putting up a 10 percent cash match of $50,000. The project will benefit 68 households, about 88 percent of whom are low- and moderate-income families.

• Recommended an apparent low bid on a request for proposal involving a street and water line project in the city’s Aber Addition area in northeast Tucumcari. Until contracts are signed, City Clerk Angelica Gray explained, the name of the low bidder cannot be published.

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