Serving the High Plains

County plans for future

Meetings to collect public input were held Feb. 6 at the fairgrounds.

The brain storming and input of more than 30 residents and local officials has started the development of a county comprehensive plan aimed at improving, sustaining the area's future.

"This is just the first step," said Phyllis Taylor, Sites Southwest. "There is so much more to do, we want more of the public to take part in this project."

Taylor, a principal planner with the Albuquerque based firm, chaired a public meeting Feb. 6 at the Quay County Fairgrounds.

Taylor said the purpose of the meeting was to gather information from local residents and officials to develop a new plan. She said the firm was hired by the Quay County Government to design a new plan, strategy that will promote a vibrant economy and increase the quality of life for residents.

"I enjoyed taking part in the meeting," said Rachel Burch, resident. "I liked how they took our opinions, ideas and feelings into consideration."

Taylor said several factors are taken into consideration in the development of the plan. She said these factors include, the county's existing infrastructure, natural resources, work force and land use (agricultural, industrial).

Tucumcari MainStreet's projects, the Tucumcari Mountain Cheese Factory's expansion, New Mexico State University Ag Science Center's research and expansion of fiber optic Internet were listed as current and ongoing physical improvements to the economy.

The residents, local officials formed small work groups to discuss how they envisioned the county in 20 years and what makes living in Quay County so great.

• A strong economy with diversified industry including retail, tourism, agricultural and renewable energies.

• Ensured protection of natural resources (water)

• Increased opportunities to aid in youth retention

• The residents of Quay county

• The quality of education from area schools, college

The groups then had to outline the county's opportunities that could make the vision a reality.

• Pursue the development, expansion of agricultural and renewable energy industries

• Location, Interstate 40, U.S. Highway 54, railroad and airport access

• Land availability for industry growth

• Fiber optic Internet expanding business opportunities

Taylor said the answers, information gathered from the meeting will help the firm start the draft of the plan. She said a second meeting is being planned in March or May for additional public input.

"We encourage everyone to come out and share your ideas," Taylor said "You coming out, taking part is what will truly make a difference in the development of this plan."

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