Serving the High Plains

Rep. Roch remembers Domenici

The six-term senator died Sept. 13 at age 85.

State Rep. Dennis Roch recalls his time working with New Mexico's former six-term Republican senator Pete V. Domenici following his death on Sept. 13 at the University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque.

"Sen. Pete Domenici is legendary in New Mexico, his passing is a loss for the entire state," said Rep. Dennis Roch.

Domenici, 85, passed away on after suffering setbacks from abdominal surgery.

The Albuquerque Republican was the longest serving senator in New Mexico history, serving six terms in the Senate.

Roch, who served in Domenici's office in Washington, D.C. from 1995-1997, said while working in the office he discovered Domenici was as genuine in person, as his reputation held up.

"When you have a reputation people tend to see you one way from a distance, but not Domenici, he was the same person when you visited with him personally," Roch said.

Roch said one of the things he admired most about Domenici is he made time for the constituents. Roch said he met with them, heard their concerns and made sure to follow up on addressing the issues.

"I've tried to make that a hallmark of my own tenure of service," Roch said. "When constituents call, email or catch me at the grocery story, I want to take time to hear their concerns, ideas or problems."

Senator Domenici was a master at making time for the people.

"If I can do half of the job he did, I feel that I would have accomplished something," Roch said.

Roch said he learned a lot while working with Domenici, there were many instances the actions of the senator influenced him, one in particular has stuck with him through the years.

Roch said every semester, a group of interns from New Mexico would come and serve in Sen. Domenici's office. He said these were college students, they were not paid staff, they helped out with press clippings or answering the phone. At times the interns did not always feel very invested in the office work because they were not doing high level stuff, Roch added.

Roch said at the their time in Washington, there was always a little gathering held for the interns. He said Sen. Domenici always made sure to attend the event.

"Sen. Domenici made it a point to personally visit with each of the interns, talking in length about their time in the office," Roch said. "These interns were New Mexico residents. They came from his state, they are his constituents, their families are his constituents. Domenici took the time to thank each of them for their service to their state and country."

Roch said Domenici was not the type of politician who reserved his time for CEOs or university presidents. He said Domenici always made time to meet individual college students or residents from his home state.

"It is a matter of valuing the people who you represent, which he truly did and modeled that for everyone else," Roch said.

Domenici had planned to seek re-election for a seventh but was diagnosed with a degenerative brain disease in 2007. He retired at the end of his final term in 2009.

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