Serving the High Plains
The tax free weekend for New Mexico will be held on Aug. 4-6, here is a list of supplies that will be needed for elementary students.
Logan Schools
1-pair of scissors
1-bottle Elmer's Glue (washable, no run School Glue)
6-glue sticks large
1-backpack (large enough for standard paper ) no wheels
1-school supply box (supplies fit in box)
1- 3 ring binder 2 inch
1-pink pearl eraser
1-crayon box 8 or 16 count Crayola Brand-best
P.E. shoes they will be left in their cubbie
Blanket and pillow for nap
$5 for class T shirt and 2 Box Kleenex
First grade (please write student's name on items)
20- plain yellow pencils (sharpened if possible)
3-Elmers glue (8 oz)
1-package colored markers (washable)
1-box crayons 24 count
1-scissors (Fiskar, most durable; easier to cut with)
2-1 subject wide lined spiral notebooks
2-folders with pockets
2-pink pearl erasers
2-glue sticks
1-school supply box large
1-package of 4 black Expo dry erase markers
1-backpack-no wheel type please
P.E. shoes to be kept at school
$5 for class T shirt and 2 Box Kleenex
Second grade
1-box crayons 24 or more count
1-24 pack of Crayola colored pencils
1-package of Crayola markers
24-pencils plain yellow (mechanical okay, extra lead)
1-package of 4 black Expo dry erase markers
1-yellow highlighter
1-large glue stick
1-Elmers glue 8 oz.
1-scissors (Fiskar most durable; easier to cut with)
1-school supply box large (supplies need to fit in box)
2-pink pearl erasers
2-folders with pockets
1-3 subject wide-ruled spiral notebook
1-3-ring binder (1 inch)
1-package of insertable dividers
1-backpack with no wheels
P.E. shoes
$5 for class T shirt and 2 Box Kleenex
Third grade
1-package black Expo markers (minimum 2)
24- #2 pencils (mechanical okay, extra lead)
2-pink pearl erasers
2-red pens
2-folders with pockets
2- one subject wide ruled spiral notebooks
1-zippered bag
2 -1 inch binder (no trapper keeper)
1-small supply box
1-set of colored pencils
3-glue sticks
1-box 24 count crayons
1-yellow highlighter
1-backpack- no wheeled types
P.E. shoes
$5 for class T Shirt and 2 Box Kleenex
Fourth grade
24-#2 wooden pencils
10-black dry erase EXPO markers
2-pink eraser
2-plastic folders with pockets
3-1 subject wide lined spiral notebooks
4 oz Elmer's glue
2-glue sticks
1-zippered bag
1-supply box
2-red pens
1-box 16 count crayons
1-24 count colored pencils
1 package wide ruled loose leaf paper
1 ruler with inch and centimeters
1-backpack no wheeled types
P.E. shoes and clothes to stay here
$5 for class T Shirt and 2 Box Kleenex
Fifth grade
1-3 pack 3x3 sticky notes(or 1 cube-450 sticky notes)
1-pack index cards
1-pink pearl eraser
2-packages loose leaf paper
1-red pen
1-yellow highlighter
4-black dry erase markers
15-#2 pencils
1-5 subject spiral notebook
2-single subject notebooks
1-1.5 inch three ring binder
3-folders(with pockets)
2-glue sticks (large)
1-pkg. markers
1-zippered bag OR supply box
1-ruler (inches & centimeters
2-box kleenex
1-backpack (NO WHEELED TYPE)
P.E. clothes
P.E. shoes ( no black mark soles)