Serving the High Plains

Pages past - Jan. 25

January 1965

• Tucumcari and New Mexico State Police apprehended three men after a high speed chase. The three men, William Randolph Amy, William Warren Naler Jr. and Mike Jerry Watson ran a road block set up on the west side of town. The three men refused to identify themselves and their addresses to officers. The three men were wearing clothing from the Orange County Branch Jail in Santa Ana, California, and were believed to be escapees.

• Construction of the new Trigg Memorial Hospital was still ahead of schedule and was scheduled to be completed by the summer.

• The frame work and construction of the new Tucumcari Elementary school on South Ninth Street was underway. The new school was being built by the Ballard and Bates construction company out of Carlsbad.

— Compiled by Senior Writer Thomas Garcia

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