Serving the High Plains

Antics against Trump intolerable

What is happening to the president elect of the United States is intolerable.

News articles and editorials from major publications are referring to Donald Trump as a “Russian puppet” or as “Putin’s poodle.” They are further implying that Trump “could have an incentive to allow or launch a 9/11-style attack on the United States once in office.”

Editorial writer Paul Krugman has written that, “George W. Bush came into office with questions surrounding his legitimacy that were “dispelled” by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.” The insinuation that an American president would instigate a terrorist attack on our country borders on indicting him as a traitor, and is inexcusable.

The “so-called” paper of record, The New York Times, evidently endorses Krugman’s viewpoint by allowing the outlandish slander to be published.

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, on a Facebook post, has suggested a plan to torpedo the Trump inauguration that involves a televised “freedom concert” to air at the same time as the inauguration — with huge celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay Z, Madonna, Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake, Gaga, Bruce Springsteen, and so on.

Alec Baldwin MCs the event, playing Trump as he does on “Saturday Night Live.”

Presto. The Trump inauguration loses all the TV ratings. Basically, no one watches it.

Reich purports to be something of a leader in the Democrat party and yet advocates for something this childish and mean spirited.

A “Women’s March on Washington” scheduled to take place on Jan. 21, one day after the Trump inauguration, has attracted Amnesty International USA as a co-sponsor. According to event organizers, this affair is said to have as many as 150,000 people RSVP-ing to attend and several hundred thousand more indicating they are interested in attending.

Two caveats to the above numbers are that re-counts in three states were going to show Hillary gaining votes, and the Electoral College vote would indicate enough “faithless electors” to tip the election to Clinton. Neither of these actions occurred.

All of this before Trump is inaugurated. Imagine what would have happened if the above events were orchestrated for the Obama inauguration.

I am ashamed to write this, but the only other time in my adult life that I witnessed anything remotely resembling what is happening to Donald Trump was after an election in Clovis. When David Lansford was elected mayor for the second time, there was a move to recall him before he had even dropped the gavel.

Rube Render is the Curry County Republican chairman. Contact him at:

[email protected]

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