Serving the High Plains

Senior center volunteers honored

QCS photo: Jerrene Bradley

Robert Lumpkin talks to some of the seniors who came out Friday to recognize volunteers of the senior center.

Volunteers at the Senior Citizens Center were honored Friday with a reception thanking them for their service to the community.

Jessica Elebario, a city employee, said there are 25 volunteers helping deliver meals, who help clean the center and assist in carrying trays for those who can't do it on their own.

Elebario said volunteers help with bingo, making coffee, sending out all kinds of cards, helping with dances, ceramics and card making.

City Commissioner Robert Lumpkin said he was impressed with the number of people using the facility and the amount of people the facility serves. He thanked all of the volunteers who not only help out and the senior center but throughout Tucumcari and for all the volunteers who are giving of their time to help out others.

Lumpkin said that the VFW Ladies Auxiliary volunteered with the reception by donating sandwiches.

QCS photo: Jerrene Bradley

A large crowd was on hand Friday at the Senior Citizens Center to recognize the volunteers who help out at the center.