Serving the High Plains

Mesalands trustees take oath of office

Three Mesalands Community College's trustees took the oath of office Monday during a rescheduled monthly meeting.

QCS photo: Thomas Garcia

Natalie Gillard, vice president of academic affairs at Mesalands Community College, swears in board of trustees Teresa Stephenson, Jimmy Sandoval and J. Bronson Moore on Monday.

Natalie Gillard, vice president of academic affairs, swore in J Bronson Moore, Teresa Stephenson and Jimmy Sandoval.

The three trustees were elected March 5 during an in-house election held at the Quay County Clerks office due to each candidate being unopposed.

"There were a total of 13 voters," said Ellen White, chief deputy clerk.

Following their oath of office the trustees voted on the election of board officers. Jim Streetman, trustee/secretary, offered a motion to keep existing officers in place. It was seconded and approved.

"As we search for a new president we need to have consistency with the board officers," Streetman said.

Moore, board chairman, informed trustees that Sandoval is a candidate for a seat on the Association of Community College Trustees' diversity committee.

Moore said elections will be held at the ACCT annual congress Oct. 3 in Seattle, Wash.

"I will do my best to represent Mesalands and Tucumcari," Sandoval said.

Sandoval said he recently attended the ACCT's legislative summit in Washington D.C., where he had the chance to meet with congressional delegations and stress the importance of Mesalands and it's positive impact on the region.

Other items before the trustees:

  • Completion and certification of the Higher Learning Commission Academy's Assessment of Student Learning.
  • An update on Mesalands Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) open house held Feb. 28.
  • Approved the monthly finance report.
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