Serving the High Plains

Meetings watch: Tucumcari City Commission

The following items were before the Tucumcari Commission on Thursday:

An executive session was held during Thursday's rescheduled regular meeting to discuss limited personnel matters — the city manager's contract.

Commissioners re-entered open session and approved Mayor Amiel Curnutt to negotiate the contract extension with Powers.

The previous contract was for one year at a salary of $65,500.

The commission held a public hearing on a liquor license application for Haney and Haney, LLC, doing business as Del's restaurant.

  • Approval of minutes
  • Comments from citizens: Patsy Gresham requested the commission support her as the regional film industry representative.
  • Approved Ordinance No. 1108, authorizing execution and delivery of a $1.1 million grant and $394,750 loan with the New Mexico Finance Authority for replacement of water tanks and upgrading water meters.
  • Approved the annual audit report.
  • Approved resolution 2013-4, participation in the 2013-2014 Co-op Agreement Program with New Mexico Department of Transportation, which provides matching funds for street improvements. Sufficient local matching funds are available for the program outlined in the city's request for participation in the program.
  • Approved resolution 2013-5, participation in the 2013-2014 NMDOT Municipal Arterial Program, which will provide matching funds for local resources for street improvements. Sufficient local matching funds are available for the program outlined in the city's request for participation in the program.
  • Approved design services from Gordon Environmental for the Tucumcari Landfill's construction of Cell 2.

— Compiled by QCS senior writer Thomas Garcia