Serving the High Plains

Comments from the canyons: Animal antics bring back memories

Some of the commercials on television are much more entertaining than most of the programs. Of course, I am particularly fond of those that include talking animals and their antics.

From lizards, to ducks, to dogs and cats, to pigs, to cows, the animals give us something to watch, to smile about, and to enjoy

The happy Holstein milk cow is one of my favorites because she is given all sorts of activities and becomes a major part of a family Her dancing and singing in the shower cause slight earth quakes, her card-playing abilities are outstanding as she wears her green visor. Her gossipy ways just fit into a broad picture of the "happy cows."

In a way, I am rather amazed that I even like a Holstein because one of my least favorite milk cows was a Holstein. Although she gave more milk than many of our milk cows, she caused me more trouble than a whole herd would have. She belonged to Grandmother Moncus first and was one of her favorites. For some reason, she did not like kids; thus, Grandmother would not allow me to enter the lot while she was there. I forgot at one point and was promptly chased back to the yard as the ole'girl bawled behind me while I screamed my way to the gate.

Dad bought the Holstein and helped me to get along while doing the milking. At least, she quit chasing me out of the lot but never let an opportunity pass without causing me one kind of problem or another. Dad had taught me never to relax while riding a horse, and he must have thought I had sense enough to take that lesson with me to encounters with most animals.

Well, I learned the hard way to remain alert at all times while around that old cow. She would swat me with her tail if I leaned away from her flank, would sling slobber all over me before I trapped her head in the stall, and would kick me off the milk stool if I blinked.

She was also very good at knowing just about how much milk I had in the bucket and would wait until it was almost full before she would decide to churn it by placing her hoof in it. Of course, that meant the milk couldn't be used and that she wouldn't have any more to give until the next milking time.

Obviously, I was in trouble most of the time because we would have milk shortages on a regular basis. Also, if either parent happened to pass by the milk pen while I was doing the chores, I was chastised for using all too much graphic language. Well, that ole'cow helped me improve the use of such language because she caused me to lose my temper at least twice a day.

She would also see how far from home she could wander before evening milking time, thus causing me to have to climb the hill and walk a mile or two before finding her. She enhanced my already impatient tendencies and caused good moods to turn sour in one big hurry.

She had a personality but not the kind shown by the Holstein in the commercial. She probably laughed at me on all occasions but did not allow me to develop any kind of friendship with her.

I'll just enjoy the commercial and be glad I don't have to do any chores tonight.

Lynn Moncus is a Tucumcari resident and can be contacted through the Quay County Sun by calling 575-461-1952.

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