Serving the High Plains

Mesalands election to be held in-house

The Mesalands Community College's board of trustee election in March will held in-house at the Quay County Clerks office due to no opposition.

QCS photo: Thomas Garcia

Meslands Community College's Board of Trustee members were given a tour Tuesday of the new facilities to be used by students as a part of the Science, Technology Engineering and Math intiative.

"There is no opposition in the trustee elections which means the Clerk's office can hold the meeting in-house and save the college thousands," said J Bronson Moore, trustee chair.

Moore informed the rest of the trustees during Tuesday's regular board meeting.

The positions up for election are position No. 2 for a six-year term Jimmy R. Sandoval; position No. 3 for a two-year term (unfulfilled term, commencing April 1), Maria Teresa Stephenson; and position No. 4 for a six-year term commencing April 1, Moore.

This will save the college in the area of $2,000 in the cost of the election, said Ellen White, chief deputy clerk.

White said the average cost of an election for the Mesalands board of trustee if there had been opposition could have been in the area of $5,000.

Other items before the trustees included

  • A review of the dual enrollment program at Mesalands 2011-2012
  • A tour of the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) facilities at Mesalands and review of the STEM tutor guidelines.