Serving the High Plains

Our page - Dec. 19

Student of the month

Garrett Le Mons, 16, has been named December 2012 Student of the Month at Tucumcari High School. He is the son of Jimmy and Tammy Le Mons and is a senior.

Le Mons has been active in band, playing saxophone, guitar, drums, violin and a little bit of piano. He has a B average and has been an honor roll student and in the All-State band. He hopes to get a doctorate in natural sciences such as geology and paleontology.

The Student of the Month program is sponsored by the Tucumcari Elks Lodge No. 1172 in an effort to bring recognition to our outstanding youth in the Quay County area. Multiple achievements, citizenship, scholarship and leadership are the basis for selection.

Students are nominated monthly by classmates and teachers in their schools and then screened by a school student committee for selection as the student of the month.


Seven students from the San Jon and Tucumcari areas were among the 325 candidates for graduation Dec. 8, at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales.

The students and their majors are: Denise Aragon, bachelor of science in criminal justice; Kaylene Evans, bachelor of applied arts and sciences in applied arts and sciences with distinction; Matthew Garcia, bachelor of science in education in elementary education; Johnlyn Grose, bachelor of science in nursing with distinction; Toby Henderson, master of business administration in business administration; Eric Lujan, master of arts in counseling; and Shane Vigil, bachelor of science in agriculture composite.

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