Serving the High Plains

Meetings Watch - City Commission

The Tucumcari City Commission held a work session on Thursday to discuss and make any changes necessary to the personnel policy. Commissioners took action on:

  • The commission agreed to check into having a professional look at the wage scale for the city and the cost.
  • City positions will be defined as department heads, department supervisors and department managers.
  • All city applicants must meet standards of the job and be qualified for the job. Any city employee wishing to apply for a job opening will be considered first before an outside application. This is to give employees a chance to move up.
  • Probation periods will be six months, then an evaluation will be done on employees again after one year. All department heads will be trained on how to do an evaluation and will conduct these evaluations then turn them into the city managers office.
  • Personnel action forms will be put in place for hiring, firing, raises, etc.
  • An employee reaching their anniversary date of hire will be evaluated on their performance for a raise depending on the budget. Each year of successful employment a good evaluation will bring the employee a raise, budget allowing.
  • Regular working hours will be approved by the city manager and department heads.
  • Any on-call employee will be provided with a cell phone and a vehicle.
  • Pay travel will start from the time employee leaves until their return.
  • Compensatory time is to be used and not left to build up.
  • A two-week notice of resignation will be accepted when an employee resigns or it will be up to the department heads and the city manager if an employee is to be let go on the day of the two week notice.
  • 10 full holidays and 2 1/2 will be observed by the city and the air show will be at the discretion of the city manager
  • Employee vacation times will be changed to the winter months during the slow time.
  • Any employee on jury duty will return the pay back to the city or will take leave.
  • Notice is to be given to employees department head of any prescription drugs that an employee is taking. Department heads will decide if the employee is able work or if they are sent home. Notice to be given of any arrests or convictions.

— Compiled by QCS staff

Rendered 12/22/2024 10:44