Serving the High Plains

Press release: Farmers Electric declares energy alert

High electricity demand has led Farmers Electric Cooperative (FEC) to declare an Energy Alert within its service area. FEC is urging members to cut back on their use of electricity, each evening, until 8 p.m.

FEC declares an Energy Alert only when a reduction in electricity use is urgently needed to maintain the electrical system and service to their members.

Electricity demand could exceed the amount of power supplied to FEC unless members cut back on their use. Failure of voluntary reduction in electric demand could result in controlled outages within the region.

"We are asking the public to curb their electrical consumption during the hottest part of the day," said FEC General Manager, Lance Adkins. "However, elderly folks, or those with health issues should not turn their air conditioners off."

Suggestions on how to reduce electrical load include:

∞ Either turn off air conditioning or increase your thermostat setting to 85 degrees, slowly lowering the setting after 8 p.m. to a more comfortable setting. This would not apply to the elderly or to members who depend on air conditioning for health reasons.

∞ Put off household chores that involve electrical appliances until after 8:00 p.m.

(dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc.)

∞ Turn off televisions and electronic equipment

∞ Turn off unnecessary lighting

"We know this may be inconvenient for some, but it becomes necessary when the electrical supply is being pushed to it's limits by electrical demand," said Thom Moore, Director of Member Services. "We would really appreciate your conscious effort in helping us through this critical time and helping to avoid service interruptions to any of our members."