Serving the High Plains

Comments from the Canyons: Reunion offers chance to relive memories

Welcome home, Rattler alumni! This first weekend in August has been a special time for 50 years as we have celebrated our education from the Tucumcari Public Schools. From many parts of the world, former Rattlers have returned to Tucumcari to be with friends and families to remember our school years and to renew friendships.

Obviously, we are proud of the education we received here and are pleased to gather each year to honor and share our memories. As we wander from group to group, we hear much laughter as people recall their experiences at THS or other levels in the school system. We share the memories with all who will listen and take pride in telling about some of our experiences. We may even go into detail about the mischief we created and the fun we had while also receiving a good education.

We often tell stories about our favorite teachers or even our least favorite ones.

Obviously, they made lasting impressions on us and have most definitely remained alive in our memories. We sometimes become rather serious as we mention how much some of those teachers did for us. We also talk about how well prepared we were to go on with our lives, whether into the work place immediately or on to college.

As we visit with each other, we express our feelings for this place we call home.

No matter how far some have moved from here, they continue to refer to Tucumcari as home. Among the Golden Rattlers, that word, "home," is used frequently and warmly. To us, this place is most special, whether we are talking about our education or our lives in general. It must have cast a spell over us in our youths, and that spell has been lasting.

We will have a great weekend visiting with more people than we can count.

Because we have remained close through the years, we know people from almost every class represented. Some of us who have been doing a lot of visiting recently have mentioned that we surely were young when the first all-school reunion was held 50 years ago. The great Class of 1952 had been out of school only 10 years, and here we are celebrating our 60th year since graduation. We don't think we have aged, but the young people tend to look askance as we burst into fits of laughter over seemingly meaningless stories.

Let's just enjoy each other's company and relive as many memories as we can.

We know how fortunate we are to be Rattler alumni and how fortunate we are to have a place to call "home." We are proud to wear the purple and gold!"

Lynn Moncus is a Tucumcari resident and can be contacted through the Quay County Sun by calling 575-461-1952.

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