Serving the High Plains
Joe and Brenda Schallert of Tucumcari are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer Jean Schallert to Landon Scott O'Rear of Clovis. Landon is the son of Glen and Tammi O'Rear of Clovis.
The couple plans to wed in March.
Jennifer graduated from Tucumcari High School in 2008. She attended Eastern New Mexico University in Portales and graduated in 2011 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. Landon graduated from Portales High School in 2008 and is currently running his own farm.
Jennifer is the granddaughter of Mrs. Norma Aucoin Metzger of Clovis and Mrs. Ann Schallert of Tucumcari. Jennifer has one younger sibling, Jospeh Schallert.
Landon is the grandson of Mrs. Iris O'Rear of Clovis and Mr. And Mrs. Jim Bunce of Trenton, Texas. Landon has one younger Sibling, Erik O'Rear.
— Submitted by Jennifer Schallert