Serving the High Plains

County extension hosting seminar

The 44th Annual Agriculture and Home Economics Seminar, hosted by the Quay County Extension Service, will be held Friday at the Tucumcari Convention Center.

The doors will open at 8 a.m. for registration, refreshments and visiting. Programs will begin at 8:30 a.m., with an opening key note speaker. Several sponsors will have booths set up to view during the day.

Co-hosts are the Small Business Development Center at Mesalands Community College and Southwest Cooperative Development Center.

This year's seminar will focus on cooperatives and how forming cooperative agreements can improve your business leverage and increase your bottom line.

Featured co-ops include the Sweetgrass Co-op from the Las Vegas, N.M. area and the Mountainair-based Cibola Arts Co-op. If attendees are interested in starting a co-op, information will be available at a co-op workshop.

The seminar is free and a lunch will be provided by area businesses. A door prize drawing will be held during lunch.

For information call the Quay County Extension Office at 461-0562.