Serving the High Plains
It was a quiet holiday weekend on the roads, according to officials of the Tucumcari Police Department and New Mexico State Police.
“We only had eight arrests this weekend and only three of them were alcohol related. Usually during the holiday season we get a lot of domestic (arguments and abuse) and DWI arrests,” said Police Chief Larry Ham.
“We are short handed in the department right now. But the officers and dispatchers rolled up their sleeves and worked extra hours to help keep this city safe and I'm proud of them for that.”
State Police Capt. Daniel Lopez also reported that “It was a quiet weekend."
Lopez also aid, "It was a huge relief not having a fatal accident this holiday weekend."
However, there were 12 accidents, of which one was alcohol-related, over the Thanksgiving weekend, Lopez said.
"We had 11 arrests between Curry and Quay counties and only two were for DWI," Lopez said.
State Police Holiday
activity for Quay, Curry and Guadalupe counties
l Accidents: 12
l DWI, DUI: 2
l Speeding violations: 162
l Seatbelt violations: 34
Source: NM State Police
Arrests and acitivity during holiday weekend
l DWI, DUI: 3
l Domestic dispute: 1
l Narcotics: 3
l Obstructing an officer: 1
l Vandalism: 2
QCS: Compiled from police reports